Autumn, our new kitten, has been taking up all my time in this room. We brought her home Sunday; it turned out she's hardly weaned at eight weeks and was terrified. So I've spent many hours loving her, without ...holding her now 4 an hr
Painterjayne, a Philadelphia fine artist, journals her life as a angry feminist anti-establishment, disrespecter of things authoritarian, bureaucratic and phony showing her newest artworks here ranging from soft landscapes to erotic portraits. She's classically trained, and been painting since she was a kid. She is really a quiet, sweet lady.
Jayne!I am SO sorry I haven't been around! I was SO busy getting my new better blog up & running, guy bought me a good hosting package & now I have wordpress! I changed most of my links & the old site has an auto redirect ut here's my new link:
I hope you're well! xox!
HI Jean! What is wordpress? And gee, you don't have to be sorry. Silly Silly. I hope you get this.
Jayne!I am SO sorry I haven't been around! I was SO busy getting my new better blog up & running, guy bought me a good hosting package & now I have wordpress! I changed most of my links & the old site has an auto redirect ut here's my new link:
I hope you're well! xox!
Anonymous, at
4:12 PM
HI Jean! What is wordpress? And gee, you don't have to be sorry. Silly Silly. I hope you get this.
painterjayne, at
7:52 PM
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