Continued Kitten Stories

Still dealing with the infant cat. I worry about her, probably needlessly . She wants to be on the keyboard right now because I'm typing so this will last about another minute. I know she'll be a beautiful, wonderful kitten, but right now she's an infant but thank God, not human.
Anise, of blessed memory, on the right.
Oh,...she sounds adorably annoying! A coon cat you said,...those are my 2nd most favorite breed, the other is Himalayan (I think thats how its spelled anyhow)
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Our last cat, Sammy, who lived 16 years, was half Himalayan, half Siamese. Maybe it was only 1/4 Himalayan, I forget. Anyway, yeah, I agree, they're gorgeous. I'm not sold about Maine Coon personalities and activity levels--we'll see--but I love mine to death, and otherwise, I like the dog-size of the breed.
Oh,...she sounds adorably annoying! A coon cat you said,...those are my 2nd most favorite breed, the other is Himalayan (I think thats how its spelled anyhow)
Wordpress is an awesome blogging platform that works just like a regular blog but its easier to "skin" & all you need is a webhost that allows you access to MySQL & PHP,...Its a completely free download,...It took me about 3mns to install & configure it on my host & then all I needed to do was add content,...Of course the two themes that came with it were a bit dull so I went searching for a pretty one,..Google Wordpress & you'll see what I mean,...My guy bought me a really cheap really awesome web hosting package for my birthday & then all I needed was a domain name & my wordpress & I was all set,..all told, getting the host (by paypal) the domain name ( I searched "free domain names" on Google) & setting up wordpress,...20mns!
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Theirs is a pay system because of hosting space & they install it for you but if you have a webhost, you can get the same platform free!
Anonymous, at
12:30 PM
Our last cat, Sammy, who lived 16 years, was half Himalayan, half Siamese. Maybe it was only 1/4 Himalayan, I forget. Anyway, yeah, I agree, they're gorgeous. I'm not sold about Maine Coon personalities and activity levels--we'll see--but I love mine to death, and otherwise, I like the dog-size of the breed.
painterjayne, at
10:55 AM
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