The Artist's Workroom

It's Saturday at 3 in the afternoon. I'm still in my nightgown and I'm relaxing in my workroom. All my clean, washed clothes are sitting on my drawing desk waiting for me to, perhaps, shelve them. Errant shoes, one of each pair, are strewn around half the room. Jerry's albums are stacked near me, ready to be advertised and sold. The orange fabric for the second half of my curtains and the middle lay abandoned on the drawing table and over the sewing machine. A bra needing minor repair lays over that. It's quite a mess, but I love every inch of it. It's mine and every little piece speaks to me. Right now, my right shoulder is healing. I have done more with it than I believe I was allowed, but I'm impatient. I see the doctor Monday.
Harry is doing all the housework he can tolerate and the rest isn't being done. I'm working at relaxing. Right now, I'm in my workroom. It's quiet here. From where I sit, I look out the window to the tops of trees, still green with their exuberant leaves. It's wonderful. This "morning", I sat out on our deck on the swing with the overhead cover. I talked on the phone while the acorns shot noisely from the sky. It's hilarious unless I happened to be hit by one. This past week, I finished planting the trees and plants that had arrived while I was in the hospital. Two days ago, the Weeping Willow came and I have to figure out how to plant it. I fell into the hole dug for the creepers. It took me a long time to get up, mainly because I couldn't use my right arm and my legs are so weak. Harry would have pulled me out but he wasn't home. I hurt a little extra the day after, but I'm as fine as I could be now. I'm on Percocet now, instead of Oxycodone. Percocet isn't as good, but it will do. My other choices are Ultram or a morphine derivative. Maybe before the end, I'll remember the name. That shoulder surgery has a painful recovery. I doubt any of the other ones are less painful though. But that's what pain killers are for.
I am setting up volunteering and doing it too. I've been volunteering for an on-line mentoring program for underprivileged teenagers. I have a few active kids this year and I enjoy them. They keep me busy. I also signed up to read to small children for Delaware Read Aloud, a state funded program. And I just told the Pennsylvania lupus group if they need me, I'll help them down here. For that, I'd mostly talk or give out information. That is, if they trust me enough. I'm really a loose canon. Political talk just pours out of my mouth, and does whatever else I'm ruminating. I would want me, but I like me. I don't know about conservative people who fit in. I doubt I'm their woman.
I guess that's it for now. I'll review my day later.
We watched the movie 1408 downstairs. It was pretty exciting, written by Steven King. Earlier, we had dinner out. I have most of mine in the frig. I had their onion soup as an appetizer and it filled me up. It's hard to pass up, it's delicious and it comes with dinner. We have a couple of nice restaurants in town and some in the malls. I think the best are in town. In Philly, I was fourteen miles from Center City and there was almost nothing left in our neighborhood. It was going down fast. We escaped to our dream house in the country.
Labels: shoulder surgery
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