Not Much Help Needed

Actually, I'm not happy. I'm not unhappy either. I'm a little annoyed. I'm annoyed at me for leaving my paintings at that gallery. What an idiot! Not the guy, me! I had a Reiki session today. It was my birthday present from our daughter. The lady was great, but I don't have faith in Reiki per se. However, the woman is more like a shaman. She's psychic and perceptive. She picked up Jerry's personality and that he is around me. I was very glad to get that validation. I didn't need it, but to hear felt good. She also picked up on my aunt's ring that I wear and the love that had gone into the ring. I know my aunt is pleased that I wear it. I redid my other aunt's ring, etc. I told her how much I love jewelry and that's the truth. I don't buy expensive stuff. Just copies, but I enjoy them so much. I bought myself a silver watch for my sixtieth birthday just now. I'm waiting for it to have an extra piece added. Guaranteed I'll enjoy it. I'm just very visual and into decoration. My earrings, of which I have many, are BIG. That's it for big. I bite my nails and pick at my cuticles, so my rings are conservative, but I love them too. I wear bracelets but no necklaces, except rarely. I have a couple of things I inherited. I bought two pieces of technibond too. That's it. Kaput. I just have to keep buying clothes though because I've gotten so fat. And now, my feet hurt all the time. That's one of the body parts that hurt. My knees are now storming, cracking, and failing occasionally. One is. I am having a good time though.
I still love being retired, except that no one is ever really retired if you take care of yourself. Jerry didn't, but he knew what he was doing. I hate being in pain, so I'll be back at the pool and on the machines. I hate the idea, let alone doing it. I finally started volunteering to read to itty bitties at one of the day care centers. The program is run by a non-profit agency. I enjoyed my first day tremendously. I wish I had grandchildren, but I don't. I'm lucky to have good kids.
My daughter and her boyfriend are coming down tomorrow, Sunday. Every time he comes down, he fixes something for us. He's a godsend and a lovely guy besides being handsome.
Well, time for my bath and graphic novels. I LOVE them. I love reading and these are so much fun and I'm learning about another way of looking at life too. With no effort. I wish I could lose weight with no effort. I wish I could do what I want one hundred per cent of the time too.
Labels: Kvetch Kvetch Kvetch
Jaynee, I'm so glad that you can get back to painting. You bring joyful works to life...
Keep your chin up, and if you don't mind my advice, people need to see you more. I'm glad you are reading to little ones. What a blessing for them!
Thank you Mikki. I don't see my friends enough. Partly, it's because most of them are in the Philly area, and the other reason is, they work. I don't like to run around in the evening. I also won't go to dinners or teas or anyplace, where there are people I don't like. I don't want to be in the company of people who make me uncomfortable. I figure, if the ones I like want to see me, we'll see each other. Actually, the couple of people like that didn't come to my birthday party so I don't feel obligated at all. I really cherish my friends and they're not in that category.
I sound negative to me. I guess I am depressed even with the ton of happy drugs I take. So be it. What the hell. I'm enjoying my life anyway.
Jaynee, I'm so glad that you can get back to painting. You bring joyful works to life...
Keep your chin up, and if you don't mind my advice, people need to see you more. I'm glad you are reading to little ones. What a blessing for them!
IAA, at
10:22 PM
Thank you Mikki. I don't see my friends enough. Partly, it's because most of them are in the Philly area, and the other reason is, they work. I don't like to run around in the evening. I also won't go to dinners or teas or anyplace, where there are people I don't like. I don't want to be in the company of people who make me uncomfortable. I figure, if the ones I like want to see me, we'll see each other. Actually, the couple of people like that didn't come to my birthday party so I don't feel obligated at all. I really cherish my friends and they're not in that category.
I sound negative to me. I guess I am depressed even with the ton of happy drugs I take. So be it. What the hell. I'm enjoying my life anyway.
Anonymous, at
12:15 PM
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