Just taking a break. Hammering and sawing. Done that.
Painterjayne, a Philadelphia fine artist, journals her life as a angry feminist anti-establishment, disrespecter of things authoritarian, bureaucratic and phony showing her newest artworks here ranging from soft landscapes to erotic portraits. She's classically trained, and been painting since she was a kid. She is really a quiet, sweet lady.
Hi PainterJayne,
I was just checking out people that paint and I came across your blog. I like the last 2 pieces you posted. Unique. Nice style. Beautiful colors.
I write and paint. Take a look at my blog Moneythoughts, you may find it of interest.
Thanks Fred. I just took a look at your blog, but you have no artwork there. I'll take a look when you let me know you've posted something or two.
I've painted almost all my life and I enjoy it more now than ever. I'm disillusioned with galleries and that process is exhausting anyway, even if I felt good about them. Right now, I'm working on two more paintings that may relate to the Circles painting. Except for old abstracts, this promises to be a larger group of "pretty" paintings. I'm painting to please myself and I like them pretty.
Best Wishes,
Hi PainterJayne,
I was just checking out people that paint and I came across your blog. I like the last 2 pieces you posted. Unique. Nice style. Beautiful colors.
I write and paint. Take a look at my blog Moneythoughts, you may find it of interest.
moneythoughts, at
12:15 AM
Thanks Fred. I just took a look at your blog, but you have no artwork there. I'll take a look when you let me know you've posted something or two.
I've painted almost all my life and I enjoy it more now than ever. I'm disillusioned with galleries and that process is exhausting anyway, even if I felt good about them. Right now, I'm working on two more paintings that may relate to the Circles painting. Except for old abstracts, this promises to be a larger group of "pretty" paintings. I'm painting to please myself and I like them pretty.
Best Wishes,
painterjayne, at
12:03 AM
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