Sunday, December 11, 2011

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Golden Dreams

Well, I lost my last draft. No big loss. Tonight, a police officer came to take the information about my gold jewelry being stolen. It took me a month before I was ready to call them. First, I didn't know everything that was gone. I only just realized she took my mother's gold necklace. (That and the diamond earring are the worst.) I hadn't noticed the other chains were gone either. Then it wasn't long ago that I noticed one of a number of pairs of silver earrings were gone. I think it turned out she took one of each that had stones in them. (No guys were in this room, so it WAS a woman.) Well, it's over now. I don't have insurance on the jewelry. I never thought it was worth so much and even if it was, the insurance is too expensive. I'm not a diamond collector. I've never actually bought a diamond. I don't buy expensive jewelry. I like interesting stuff. How often do I need fancy jewelry? Not often. That's why I don't know when it was stolen.

Here's Autumn guarding my jewelry. Go Autumn!



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