Wednesday, December 27, 2023

my broken shoulder etc

   i am good, but the "famous" psychics on YouTube are better.  maybe i will get that good, it depends on whether my guides, or that part of my brain can lose it.  im still not sure there are spirit guides.  okay, i saw one gumby-type figure and there may have been another.  the second figure never actually appeared.  they could have been "fans".  i am a very very semi celebrity.  (15 minutes of fame etc.) also, extra terrestrials visit us all the time. they just stick to a different dimension and were non the wiser.  they just stand there watching.  yes, they go into the bathroom. 

  the spirits have something to do with my broken shoulder.  susan lynn scheduled a conference in Chicago and brought in six other psychics.  i flew out there alone on a friday.  the program that day was fine.  the next morning, i had an intestinal problem that lasted till about one,  i attended that afternoon and had a vegetarian dinner at the fancy steakhouse connected to the hotel.  the next morning, i was dizzy and throwing up.  i fell, hitting my shoulder.  at the er, and later in the hospital room, i told everyone my shoulder was in agonizing pain.  they kept assuring me it wasnt broken.

  when the pain never stopped, after a month and a half, i went to a shoulder doc.  it was broken and i went to jefferson in philly to get it fixed.its healing now,

  so now im off on another adventure.  i am keeping my easel.  no psychic pizazz will steal my drying oil paints.  my brushes alone wait in steely repose.  i cant wash them, so no painting. i love the first, i felt SO BLESSED!  it felt like i was walking down the street with jesus..speaking of jesus, i called him. ewhen i was in the hospital.  know he came, but i forget what he did.

  i guess theres a level where jesus, moses, and the rest hang out, or the other dimension energy that fuels us fuels them too.  i figure that energy is something like a fiery star, or a huge ball of energy.  not knowing about astronomy is painful in this situation.

  back to psychic stuff, i took a class where they teach rituals to reach spirits who tend to the acashic records, which arent a tangible thing.  they have practice sessions where you must say special prayers and follow the script.  unh huh  i just address them--as though theyre separate from my brain, and ask the question.  i really dont like stupid shit for the  sake of stupid shit.  i never listened at the bullshit meetings at work.  i love when people give themselves award because im never there.  

  so now, i can access the records and talk with spirits.  im gonna insert my great grandfather somewhere here.  its a poor photo, but i can hold the phone with one hand only.

#artpsychic, #psychic_medium, #talktolovedones, #psychicchannelsspirits, #learnpastlives, inexpensivepsychic, #talktothedead