All I really want to do right now is grab a beer and vegetate in front of the television. It's almost news and snooze time on TV so I'll probably read the newspaper and maybe drink my beer. For the last two days, I've zipped around looking for a little dwarf pine tree and discounted Santa bathroom rugs, and found neither. In desperation, I finally bought myself relatively expensive earrings with tiny diamond specks in them. That might not have been a good idea since I usually lose at least one of the pair if not both within two years, if not one week. Yesterday or the day before, I received the earrings I ordered from Home Shopping and they're now in their bag on the floor of the car ready to be returned. I don't wear necklaces, and rarely bracelets or rings, but whenever I go out, I have two pairs of earrings strung through my ear lobes. I love big bold interesting earrings, and I'd ordered one pair with cubic zirconium and one plain, but thick and heavy. The big ones arrived damaged and the gold earrings with the CZs were too delicate. I would have broken those cutie pies in two wearings. I do love CZs though. When they're gone, I don't have to grieve the way I did when I lost my grandmother's diamond ring for five years. And they're pretty.
I bought today's earrings at Boscov's, at Franklin Mills, in Philly. I forgot my coupons because I left the house almost in the middle of the night, and we were preoccupied with Bubba. We left our house about nine A.M. to meet with two social workers and Bubba. She's not doing well and at 84, there's danger in ignoring her condition. The social worker from the state agency was late but when she got there, she was efficient and very helpful. She quickly understood Bubba's situation and worked with Bubba and us to get the most care available.
As always, I changed the kitty litter and played with Pumpkin who reassured me he's still a bruiser and I shouldn't pet his belly. He wandered out the door when one of the social workers came in and raised a ruckus in the hallway demanding to be allowed in again. Only Bubba and Harry, both badly hard-of-hearing, didn't hear Pumpkin. I'm sure the rest of the apartment house thought a cat was being tortured.
Bubba has been eating only cereal so after the meeting was finished, we were sent off in search of corn flakes. On the way to the corn flake house, we made a stop at Boscov's and that's how I happened to purchase the earrings. In addition, we had lunch and I had my first milk shake in approximately ten years. Peanut butter. Yum! I had a peanut butter milkshake and barbeque. What could be better? (I always ask that, but I'm just an uncurable foodie.)
While I've been typing this, the word came through that the agency has already granted Bubba some help that will start tomorrow. I'm expecting a gradual change for the better. In the meantime, it's time for a beer.
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