Moon & Autumn Celebrate My Birthday Right Now
The kittens are finally playing. Today is my birthday and I think that's my present. When I meditated this evening, I saw cats lovingly playing. It was hard to believe but later, Moon Kitten came up and licked Autumn Kitten and it's been pretty okay since then. And she sits in Harry's lap, not mine, after all the time I've spent alone with her in this stinky room. Earlier today, at the Vet's office, she wanted to be in Harry's lap. I should have known then--Daddy's girl. First, he had Daddy's boy, now my little red girl too. Oh, well, that's life. At least I can leave the door open now.
I've got a lesion on my tongue; it's been hurting since maybe yesterday or the day before. I researched tongue lesions on here and discovered at least two kinds that are caused by lupus. What a surprise; all my physical problems come from lupus and even my emotional ups and downs become mountains and valleys. If I can get out of bed early enough tomorrow, it's possible I could get to the doctor and be told it's nothing, which it probably is. It hurts though, not much, but enough to worry me.
I stopped taking Provigil to wake up; it did the job but I felt mildly high all the time. That might be okay for a few hours but all week; I didn't feel like myself. It's the Painterjayne pharmacy over here. My friend came for Thanksgiving, had a backache, and was rescued by what was on the shelf. Everything's on the shelf. My kids laugh, but it works and I don't overdo it. Although I might be with the newish stuff for my hand tremor. My hands were shaking enough to make using the cursor or putting on earrings difficult, so one of my docs prescribed a drug that was so potent, I took it in the evening and the next day I was still in a fog. He wanted me to take the med three times a day. The fog wore off but I haven't increased the dosage. I just can't tell if my hands shake anymore. Either I got so used to the tremor, or they aren't. I held my cousin Jerry's hand today for him to check and he said "No", and Harry said the same yesterday. So maybe it's working.
Jerry and Harry took me out for a birthday lunch in Manyunk today; cousin Jerry and I usually go out to lunch together every week. We were meeting in town when I was working at a "job-job", but especially now during the holiday shopping frenzy, we're staying more or less in the neighborhood. It's my birthday week, so Sunday I celebrate with the kids. This wasn't an important birthday; the fifties are kind of blah, in between still young and getting old. I expect myself to work through my sixties and early seventies, assuming I can, then, after that, I can choose television all day if I want. That's if the world and the U.S. still exist and everything here is functioning.
Moon is up here cleaning Autumn and she's typing. I think it's time to go.
I've got a lesion on my tongue; it's been hurting since maybe yesterday or the day before. I researched tongue lesions on here and discovered at least two kinds that are caused by lupus. What a surprise; all my physical problems come from lupus and even my emotional ups and downs become mountains and valleys. If I can get out of bed early enough tomorrow, it's possible I could get to the doctor and be told it's nothing, which it probably is. It hurts though, not much, but enough to worry me.
I stopped taking Provigil to wake up; it did the job but I felt mildly high all the time. That might be okay for a few hours but all week; I didn't feel like myself. It's the Painterjayne pharmacy over here. My friend came for Thanksgiving, had a backache, and was rescued by what was on the shelf. Everything's on the shelf. My kids laugh, but it works and I don't overdo it. Although I might be with the newish stuff for my hand tremor. My hands were shaking enough to make using the cursor or putting on earrings difficult, so one of my docs prescribed a drug that was so potent, I took it in the evening and the next day I was still in a fog. He wanted me to take the med three times a day. The fog wore off but I haven't increased the dosage. I just can't tell if my hands shake anymore. Either I got so used to the tremor, or they aren't. I held my cousin Jerry's hand today for him to check and he said "No", and Harry said the same yesterday. So maybe it's working.
Jerry and Harry took me out for a birthday lunch in Manyunk today; cousin Jerry and I usually go out to lunch together every week. We were meeting in town when I was working at a "job-job", but especially now during the holiday shopping frenzy, we're staying more or less in the neighborhood. It's my birthday week, so Sunday I celebrate with the kids. This wasn't an important birthday; the fifties are kind of blah, in between still young and getting old. I expect myself to work through my sixties and early seventies, assuming I can, then, after that, I can choose television all day if I want. That's if the world and the U.S. still exist and everything here is functioning.
Moon is up here cleaning Autumn and she's typing. I think it's time to go.
Ahh! Our baby is doing JUST what your kitten is doing! He jumps up a storm all day but settles down when Daddy speaks! Its a boy by the way! Elijah Deacon! I'm going to make a cool button for you & put it in my affilliates section hun,... I'll leave the link here when I get it done so you can have it!
Also,....somehow, you've inspired me to use my real name online now, thank you,..I feel more free I guess xox!
Ahh! Our baby is doing JUST what your kitten is doing! He jumps up a storm all day but settles down when Daddy speaks! Its a boy by the way! Elijah Deacon! I'm going to make a cool button for you & put it in my affilliates section hun,... I'll leave the link here when I get it done so you can have it!
Also,....somehow, you've inspired me to use my real name online now, thank you,..I feel more free I guess xox!
Anonymous, at
2:47 PM
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