I sold the painting above to someone who loves it; I never did. But I did love the tree and what I used to see out my studio's sliding doors. The grass, the tree, and the boat made my view far better than the bricks. The tree was magic. Not long later the tree was cut down and the boat was sold. All the grass was cemented and there was nothing more to see. I left that studio for the air-conditioned and heated middle bedroom upstairs where the view was of white curtains.
I always believed I'd live in this house until I was too old to manage it. Even though the steps were more and more difficult, I belonged here. Every room had memories and when we finally were able to renovate the house, I enjoyed the hardwood floors and the new bathrooms. Then Lupus forced my retirement, our son moved to Delaware and graduated from college. The steps were hard and I started to dream about living in the suburbs. Eventually, after looking at houses in every Philly suburb, we thought about Delaware and long after that, we found our new house.
I'm packing day and night with only two weeks until the movers come. I'm trying to leave all our daily stuff available and maybe I'm doing okay. Everything in buying this house cost much more than we ever expected and we may have nothing to add a dishwasher and conveniences like that. Knowing we may have only our old furniture and the bricks to look at doesn't make us regret our decision. We both feel lucky. I can hardly believe I'm moving into the suburbs, to a single house with a quarter acre. I'll have a sun room in which I can paint the trees I love. I can plant whatever trees I can afford. I'll have the space and no one can force me to cut the tree down. I can read a book by the fire, or sleep in a different room with the cats jumping up and down. Harry will have his own room where he'll keep his papers and nick knacks and I can have a clean dining room table. I won't have many steps and I'll even have an attic.
I'll have to watch Moon, our male feline because when he sees other animals he tries to get to them. He's a sissy when they come back at him, but fierce originally. And fast.
Moving to this house is a gift, I believe. I prayed, I asked my family--all of whom have passed-- to help me find the right house, and then for them to help us get it. The light in this room came on the day we found the house and the day they accepted our offer. I never thought I would live in what I think is splendor. To me, it's as good as a palace. The house is as much perfection as I've ever dreamed of. I don't need more; I'm content and I'm very grateful.
was this a recent sale? i sold a piece today, it was valued at $100, but the buyer felt that it was worth 3 times that and paid 3 times that! amazing... i always say that if you show people their value or their works value they will begin to accept it in themselves, this persons act has encouraged me greatly and it also has made me realize that i need to up my prices...
I did sell it relatively recently but I painted it in the 1970's or early 80s. I think it's great that someone paid you three times what you were charging. Congratulations! I've had everything happen I think, in thirty-five years but I think that happened only with a friend.
I went to see the journal of the woman you mentioned. Very interesting. Her poetry was nice too. She's got chutzpah!
jayne, for some reason i think you are a quaker... is this just my imagination or did i read it somewhere?
was this a recent sale? i sold a piece today, it was valued at $100, but the buyer felt that it was worth 3 times that and paid 3 times that! amazing... i always say that if you show people their value or their works value they will begin to accept it in themselves, this persons act has encouraged me greatly and it also has made me realize that i need to up my prices...
Crafty Missus, at
5:33 PM
I did sell it relatively recently but I painted it in the 1970's or early 80s. I think it's great that someone paid you three times what you were charging. Congratulations! I've had everything happen I think, in thirty-five years but I think that happened only with a friend.
I went to see the journal of the woman you mentioned. Very interesting. Her poetry was nice too. She's got chutzpah!
painterjayne, at
7:17 PM
jayne, for some reason i think you are a quaker... is this just my imagination or did i read it somewhere?
Crafty Missus, at
4:59 PM
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