Maybe Selling The House

I hope when we move I have some different subjects to paint--trees, places, and people. Plus my abstracts. We had our first and very possibly only offer on the house. Apparently, it looks good even though it's way less money than I hoped. The paperwork will be in Philly Saturday and we'll find out whether it's a go. Tomorrow Harry and I are meeting a realtor in Newark, Delaware to look at some houses. I wanted to go look at neighborhoods but my nature surfaced and I couldn't resist going inside. I'm hoping the sale goes through and we're moving on to the next phase of the moving process. There are a lot of things I'd like in a new home and the more of them I see the more what I want becomes clear.
By the way, the reason I haven't written for a while was our electricity--the box--was repaired but not correctly and the air conditioning and lights were off in here. It was unbearable between the heat and the kitty litter. This is the box the kittens poop in and sometimes I feel as though I'm going to pass out either when I'm cleaning it or just being in the room while they're relieving themselves. (I do change it frequently.)
I think everything that's fixed or not will stay that way if the sale goes through. I'm so tired of painting and working till 8 at night. Today, I polished the stairway on my way down to go out. More people were looking at the house when we left.
It's time to get to bed, or relax. I'm not sure which right now. Hopefully, I'll get some new pics in here if I'm done painting. I've kept drawing and decided not to add color unless I feel moved to do it.
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