Autumn's Late Fall Report

Hi, this is Autumn Moon again. Now that the election is over, my family is finally getting back to normal. They were so worried; they were forgetting to buy me special treats and food. I’m glad Obama was elected; I don’t think that Navy guy liked cats. He got too angry and I didn’t trust him. Now, Mom has that special chair in her room and I can sleep with her in addition to helping her on the computer. I know she’s more relaxed all the time from my sleeping on her legs. I do that.
Since my last report, those two stray cats who lived in the garage, moved into my house. I can’t stand the little black and white one. He tries to climb on Mom and sleep with her, and that’s only for me. I really hate to lower myself to anger, but I hiss at him, warning him away. Usually, it works, and the other times, I have to hit him. Occasionally, I allow him to have a little Mom-time so he doesn’t get depressed. Depressed felines take all their human guardian’s times.
The little black and white cat has a friend who came in with him. His friend is blond and beautiful like me. His fur isn’t as long as mine is, but most cats do not reach my high level. However, I accept this blond furball because he respects my superiority. He kisses my fur and goes away. Wonderful!
Mom has been feeding a gray cat on the deck. I have been telling her to stop, but she is still doing it. I have not given up. I also told her to contact the Obamas and tell them to get a couple of cats. They are such good people; they deserve the kind of devotion only cats can give.
Editor’s Note: Autumn Moon is a gorgeous, affectionate Main Coon cat but it’s hard to convince her she is not the center of the earth.
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