Monday, February 13, 2006

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From Mrs. Chicken to Bathing In Oil Paints

I just ordered brushes; this is the first time in, probably, a couple of years. Last year, when he was a kitten, Moon chewed up a couple of the sable brushes and I needed to replace them. After the London/Barcelona folks told me about the interest in my abstracts, I couldn't wait to get to my oils and start painting abstracts. It felt as though they gave me permission and I've been enjoying painting them. So far, I may have finished one and I'm working on three others at the same time. I may run out of steam, but that's life. I think they're pretty and I like them. Actually, I have one hanging just to the left of my computer from maybe the 90's. I've always liked that one. I have my favorites in here and my studio. It feels WONDERFUL to be painting again. I love painting in watercolor, but I love oils more. They're messy, exciting, and I get completely absorbed in them in addition to coming away with souvenir paint all over my hands, face, and clothes. What fun!
I'm surprised I painted today though and glad. I spent hours shopping with the fellow who's doing all the work in the house. I was really exhausted. And one of my medicines, is, I think, making me sick. I've had stomach pain for a few days; occasionally it's excruciating. I still painted. I wish I could have laid on the sofa watching daytime television and painted at the same time. I want to pamper myself and paint too. (I guess that's what buying the brushes was about.)
The reason I wrote tonight was really to put Mrs. Chicken Goes Home on here. It's so cute and yesterday I finally scanned it into the computer. I got a kick out of painting it. And I'm still in my barnyard phase; the watercolor I've started (in addition to the oils) is an elephant with a child. So here's Mrs. Chicken. I hope you like her as much as I do.



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