Jaynee & Harry Go House-Hunting & Avoid Saying Hello To Susan

Tomorrow Harry and I are meeting Mary, our friend who's an experienced real estate agent, at one of the two houses I like (from the photos and descriptions.) I'm taking my new camera so I can remember each house; we're visiting four. These are the houses that are closest to Abington; the rest so far are in Norristown and King of Prussia. Whitpain would be a nice compromise; we'll see tomorrow. Also, the Whitpain house is just beyond our money limit; we could swing it, but do we make an offer for less? I hope so.
My house is still a mess. I finally cleaned the upstairs bathroom this evening but it's really not finished. There are still little holes in the walls and things like that. Like no shelves so almost nothing can go back. This room and my studio are still packed. KeeKay is going to start working on the basement powder room tomorrow, not up here. There's no screen door in the back, the one we bought didn't fit. The tiles for the bathroom have to go back too; they're actually horrible. We're not going to do the bathroom floor. It will have to be old while the rest is new.
This is an adventure; today I was out with Jerry for lunch and I asked him to drive further up 611 so I could see the shopping in case I move around there. It looks okay; there was a Clemens and a Target. And Willow Grove is pretty close. It can't be less than around here and it isn't, plus I noticed restaurants too. There's so little in this neighborhood anymore and we can still come here if we choose.
Jerry and I stopped first at Bed and Bath for bathroom stuff. Who's there but Susan S. with whom I used to work. Of course she didn't say hello and I ducked behind a display so I wouldn't be face to face with her. She used to come into my cubicle whenever she had something to discuss--her own adventures and complaints about life at the job or her mother--but then she would barely talk to me for months. I saw her mother the other day too, when I took my mother in law to the doctor. Her mom had been the administrator's secretary and a more nasty woman I've never seen. She was horrible, miserable, mean. It's no wonder her daughter runs hot and cold. There's more to the story, but I don't feel like telling it now.
I know I had something important to say but I forget it. Ah, about eating, wanting to be fat so guys wouldn't look at me...? I can't remember; it'll hold. And I want to get to reading in bed. I love that.
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