Our House

Today Harry and I went to see our first house on our search for a new home. Probably it was good that our first try was terrible; the house was in poor shape; it would have had to be gutted and rebuilt. Most everything had been jerry-built by somebody handy but not quite handy enough and with bad taste to boot. They had painted ceramic tiles around the gas fireplace black and used the rest of the paint to do half the ceramic tiles in one bathroom leaving the rest green. The kitchen was divided in two but the rooms went on and on. The best part of the house were the family pictures. Everything in the house looked worn and slapdash. I wouldn't want to leave our house which we've kept up to go to a house that was a mess.
We're just finishing totally remodeling the upstairs bathroom with gorgeous brand-new white tile, new vanity etc. And the basement powder room is next. We remodeled our kitchen a while ago and it still has that good look. A new faucet is coming because the one there now never worked quite right. Our hardwood floors are beautiful. We didn't want to put a runner on the steps because they're so pretty. We won't show our house until it's been painted and perfect all over. I planted trees in the front and in my garden out back. I love that garden. We have lovely neighbors too; I hate to leave them. The school across the street is scheduled to be knocked down in two years so the house will rise in value.
We're really in the middle of renovating; we had to wait until we finished paying for Brian's education. And now we're done. I've always wanted a house with no steps. Harry needs an office because he takes care of his mom's and my care and the whole family's records. And I can have a studio on the first floor too. Perhaps we can have a bathroom in the master bedroom so I don't have to worry about the kittens following me back into the bedroom in the middle of the night. (We were going to put a powder room in our bedroom--it could be easily done--but we won't if we're going to move.) We're getting too old to deal with the steps. Sometimes I have to drag myself up them and other times I'm okay but my knees just hurt badly.
I hope whoever the new people are who buy our house are as happy as we've been here. This is a house with good vibrations and lots of love.
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