My African Story
I'm always foiling around with the fonts on here, so it's a triumph when, like today, the font I want comes up.
I'm in the computer room smelling the cat feces; they like to do their business in this kitty litter. No amount of encouragement seems to change that. So I'm sniffing some ungodly stink while I type here. The "spirit" light is on. It blinked on and off this morning telling me to get on with my business and then came back on. I've been downstairs eating dinner and now I'm back here singing along with Pippin, one of my favorites. So I guess my family is stuck listening to me sing. I believe this light is the way my family talks to me during the time I'm conscious. Sometimes the light goes on and off responding to what I say to them. That's exciting when that's happening.
On-line today I spoke with a teenager who fled the civil war in Liberia. She's been in a horrible refugee camp in Ghana with her brother and little sister. They lost their parents to the war. I don't know how she found my name or whether she simply tried many people at random to find someone who might help them. Or whether it's all a scam to come to the US. And does that matter? A while back I sent her $25 to get whatever she needed and she didn't ask for more. She did not bring up the subject of coming here; I did but I did not offer to bring her. I thought it was impossible. However, she says she is being given tickets for her and her sister and brother if someone will call and say they want them. I've told her I can't actually take her; I'm too old and don't want the responsibility. I'm ready to be a grandmother, not a mom. She's only sixteen, her brother seventeen, and little Betty is two. She's called often on the phone and I've even spoken with Betty. Betty happens to be an irresistible baby. What baby isn't? I worry about jumping into another situation that's too hard for me. Another one I can't handle and have to break another heart. It's happened twice already and I want that to never happen again. Evangeline is the sixteen year old and she's very much a teenager. She isn't lying about the camp; I've read about it and it's exactly like she said--you pay for everything including toilets and food and if you can't, you sleep in the street, relieve yourself in the bushes at the mercy of child soldiers, and starve. There are so many orphans. I don't think Betty is really Evangeline's sister; a woman gave Betty to Evangeline saying that's what Betty was.
I asked the spirits why Evangeline contacted me. They clearly told me I had wanted to do something about the genocide in Africa and now I could. I could help someone. And today the light came on. Then Evangeline asked me to call for her.
I'm in the computer room smelling the cat feces; they like to do their business in this kitty litter. No amount of encouragement seems to change that. So I'm sniffing some ungodly stink while I type here. The "spirit" light is on. It blinked on and off this morning telling me to get on with my business and then came back on. I've been downstairs eating dinner and now I'm back here singing along with Pippin, one of my favorites. So I guess my family is stuck listening to me sing. I believe this light is the way my family talks to me during the time I'm conscious. Sometimes the light goes on and off responding to what I say to them. That's exciting when that's happening.
On-line today I spoke with a teenager who fled the civil war in Liberia. She's been in a horrible refugee camp in Ghana with her brother and little sister. They lost their parents to the war. I don't know how she found my name or whether she simply tried many people at random to find someone who might help them. Or whether it's all a scam to come to the US. And does that matter? A while back I sent her $25 to get whatever she needed and she didn't ask for more. She did not bring up the subject of coming here; I did but I did not offer to bring her. I thought it was impossible. However, she says she is being given tickets for her and her sister and brother if someone will call and say they want them. I've told her I can't actually take her; I'm too old and don't want the responsibility. I'm ready to be a grandmother, not a mom. She's only sixteen, her brother seventeen, and little Betty is two. She's called often on the phone and I've even spoken with Betty. Betty happens to be an irresistible baby. What baby isn't? I worry about jumping into another situation that's too hard for me. Another one I can't handle and have to break another heart. It's happened twice already and I want that to never happen again. Evangeline is the sixteen year old and she's very much a teenager. She isn't lying about the camp; I've read about it and it's exactly like she said--you pay for everything including toilets and food and if you can't, you sleep in the street, relieve yourself in the bushes at the mercy of child soldiers, and starve. There are so many orphans. I don't think Betty is really Evangeline's sister; a woman gave Betty to Evangeline saying that's what Betty was.
I asked the spirits why Evangeline contacted me. They clearly told me I had wanted to do something about the genocide in Africa and now I could. I could help someone. And today the light came on. Then Evangeline asked me to call for her.
jayne, this is amazing. do you feel sure that this is not a scam, someone playing on your kind soul??
it is beautiful to befriend evangeline, but i know what it is like to except responsibility for something that you are not cut out to handle and the taking on of three children is intense. are there any youth foundations in the area that are capable of taking them on, then you could assist but not be the sole caretaker. it makes me ache that little ones suffer in the world today, i wish i were in a better position finacially and mentally to take on these children.
I don't know what services there are for children coming to the US from refugee camps. Our foster children's programs can be frightening. But, I prayed last night asking what I should do about Evangeline and the spirits said "Denny". So I'll ask him. They showed me who/where to ask about her baby sister--she's two soon to be three--but it came too fast and I couldn't remember. I thought maybe she's supposed to go to Denny too. Now I have to ask Denny. Denny is my brother in law, basically married to my brother. He lives in Portland, Oregon in a big house with two dogs and a cat and he often stays at the house he shares with my brother at the Oregon coast. My brother lost his opportunity to know the young woman who is probably his daughter due to his sexual identity. Of course, Denny will very possibly say "NO!" And yes I've believed from the beginning there was a strong chance this was a scam. However, I don't know how Evangeline found me. I think it was random which makes me believe the spirits may have been at work in that. I believe Evangeline started with the idea of extorting money on a regular basis, then realized when an opportunity arose to come here, she's taking it. She had asked me over and over to come there, I think with the hope I'd take her home with me. But she's asked for no money to get here. Of course, I'm sure her being anywhere over here would cost money. But that's okay as long as she and Betty aren't living with me. I really couldn't handle that. I wish I were but I know I'm not.
evangeline said she could get plane tickets purchased for her right? i will asked about what canadian services she can avail of. we have a pretty good system for refugees and immigrants and new canadians, not perfect but quite libreal and progressive (we're no sweden mind you). i'll find out if there is something that can be done. where is she and her siblings? would you go get her if there was somewhere for her to go that wasn't under your responcibilty?
i'd like to be able to help out if i can.
out of curiosity what is the legislation on gay marriage in the states? is it different state to state? it is legal in canada although religious groups are up in arms about it, and steven harper, our pm, wants to be george bush so we may have a little trouble on our hands.... am i allowed to say that? hope it doesn't step on your political toes!?!
Yes I believe she can be given plane tickets by the United Nations organization helping there. I've written to them--the organization--asking about their coming here without my having them live with me. I haven't heard back yet. Evangeline is sixteen, her brother is seventeen--but he's willing to wait until Evangeline and her little sister--two year old Betty-get somewhere else. Evangeline can bring him over when she is permanently in a good place. The refugee camp they're in is the Butuburam camp in Ghana. It's definitely a horrible place if you don't have money. As far as my going to Africa, I couldn't afford it. Knowing me, if I could get the money together, I'd want to bring all the children back with me. I'd be afraid to go with Lupus though. And I doubt it's necessary either. I've written to the State Dept. here too. I hope I hear back from both those agencies. I never did from the Ghanian embassy or the UN. But this is different, so I"m hoping. Regarding gay marriage here, it might be legal in Oregon but with such a conservative congress, it may have already been defeated. George W is an idiot. You're not stepping on my toes. He's created more chaos and hatred of Americans, Christians, Jews and Israel than any president yet. He's wasting BILLIONS and putting our country in debt. Our infrastructure including our schools is crumbling but he's happily sending other kids to their deaths so we can secure our oil and protect the car companies and beat away alternatives.
i'm not sure if you are aware of this but the world out games and the world aids summit were both recently held in montreal. our own prime minister did not attend either (just to let you know how easy it would have been, the trip between montreal and ottawa, our nations capital is a one hour drive and that is on the greyhound!)... a bit of an idiot himself wouldn't you say....
I didn't realize the tension between Ottawa and Quebec was still so hot, if that was the cause. Or was it because he was afraid he'd catch Aids from breathing in the air there? He must be a real ass just like W. I'm with whoever said people don't read, they don't want to hear facts, they just want to go with whatever they feel which makes them stupid. That's W and the people who voted for him. I'm starting to wonder about Tony Blair too. Is he that beholden to the US? I hope we're not careening down a slippery mountain road with W at the wheel. I know we're driving recklessly.
jayne, this is amazing. do you feel sure that this is not a scam, someone playing on your kind soul??
it is beautiful to befriend evangeline, but i know what it is like to except responsibility for something that you are not cut out to handle and the taking on of three children is intense. are there any youth foundations in the area that are capable of taking them on, then you could assist but not be the sole caretaker. it makes me ache that little ones suffer in the world today, i wish i were in a better position finacially and mentally to take on these children.
Crafty Missus, at
10:18 AM
I don't know what services there are for children coming to the US from refugee camps. Our foster children's programs can be frightening. But, I prayed last night asking what I should do about Evangeline and the spirits said "Denny". So I'll ask him. They showed me who/where to ask about her baby sister--she's two soon to be three--but it came too fast and I couldn't remember. I thought maybe she's supposed to go to Denny too. Now I have to ask Denny. Denny is my brother in law, basically married to my brother. He lives in Portland, Oregon in a big house with two dogs and a cat and he often stays at the house he shares with my brother at the Oregon coast. My brother lost his opportunity to know the young woman who is probably his daughter due to his sexual identity. Of course, Denny will very possibly say "NO!" And yes I've believed from the beginning there was a strong chance this was a scam. However, I don't know how Evangeline found me. I think it was random which makes me believe the spirits may have been at work in that. I believe Evangeline started with the idea of extorting money on a regular basis, then realized when an opportunity arose to come here, she's taking it. She had asked me over and over to come there, I think with the hope I'd take her home with me. But she's asked for no money to get here. Of course, I'm sure her being anywhere over here would cost money. But that's okay as long as she and Betty aren't living with me. I really couldn't handle that. I wish I were but I know I'm not.
painterjayne, at
11:06 AM
evangeline said she could get plane tickets purchased for her right? i will asked about what canadian services she can avail of. we have a pretty good system for refugees and immigrants and new canadians, not perfect but quite libreal and progressive (we're no sweden mind you). i'll find out if there is something that can be done. where is she and her siblings? would you go get her if there was somewhere for her to go that wasn't under your responcibilty?
i'd like to be able to help out if i can.
out of curiosity what is the legislation on gay marriage in the states? is it different state to state? it is legal in canada although religious groups are up in arms about it, and steven harper, our pm, wants to be george bush so we may have a little trouble on our hands.... am i allowed to say that? hope it doesn't step on your political toes!?!
Crafty Missus, at
11:04 AM
Yes I believe she can be given plane tickets by the United Nations organization helping there. I've written to them--the organization--asking about their coming here without my having them live with me. I haven't heard back yet. Evangeline is sixteen, her brother is seventeen--but he's willing to wait until Evangeline and her little sister--two year old Betty-get somewhere else. Evangeline can bring him over when she is permanently in a good place. The refugee camp they're in is the Butuburam camp in Ghana. It's definitely a horrible place if you don't have money. As far as my going to Africa, I couldn't afford it. Knowing me, if I could get the money together, I'd want to bring all the children back with me. I'd be afraid to go with Lupus though. And I doubt it's necessary either. I've written to the State Dept. here too. I hope I hear back from both those agencies. I never did from the Ghanian embassy or the UN. But this is different, so I"m hoping. Regarding gay marriage here, it might be legal in Oregon but with such a conservative congress, it may have already been defeated. George W is an idiot. You're not stepping on my toes. He's created more chaos and hatred of Americans, Christians, Jews and Israel than any president yet. He's wasting BILLIONS and putting our country in debt. Our infrastructure including our schools is crumbling but he's happily sending other kids to their deaths so we can secure our oil and protect the car companies and beat away alternatives.
painterjayne, at
2:24 PM
i'm not sure if you are aware of this but the world out games and the world aids summit were both recently held in montreal. our own prime minister did not attend either (just to let you know how easy it would have been, the trip between montreal and ottawa, our nations capital is a one hour drive and that is on the greyhound!)... a bit of an idiot himself wouldn't you say....
Crafty Missus, at
9:45 PM
I didn't realize the tension between Ottawa and Quebec was still so hot, if that was the cause. Or was it because he was afraid he'd catch Aids from breathing in the air there? He must be a real ass just like W. I'm with whoever said people don't read, they don't want to hear facts, they just want to go with whatever they feel which makes them stupid. That's W and the people who voted for him. I'm starting to wonder about Tony Blair too. Is he that beholden to the US? I hope we're not careening down a slippery mountain road with W at the wheel. I know we're driving recklessly.
painterjayne, at
11:09 PM
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