We're in our new house for about ten days now. Everything is still a mess; things that should be stored in the garage or attic are still taking up space in the rooms. And pots, cooler weather clothing and shoes are still hiding in boxes in the garage. The pantry in this house is a true mess with graffitied walls and a cement floor. We haven't stored anything there so we're short of space for the things we haven't found yet. The bedrooms which will eventually be Harry's and my offices are strewn with heavy boxes blocking the closets and storage. It's a mess here, but we love it.
We now live in Newark Delaware in a very small development hidden in the trees. Our son and his girlfriend live nearby in New Castle, ten minutes away. The steps that caused us so much pain in our Philadelphia row-house are a thing of the past. Suddenly, in the evening, it's only us; there is no other noise. It doesn't feel right yet. We're used to hearing basketballs, dogs barking, and other families. We live just off a main highway and there's shopping all around us. In Philly, we had to travel a half-hour or more to get to nice stores, but now, they're all here. Newark is a mix of all socio-economic and ethnic groups. Our development has all kinds of folks too. We feel as though we moved to heaven.
The weeds on our very substantial grounds are growing high and I haven't the time or the tools available to tame them. Our driveway has a big dip and the icy winter will be a challenge as will the narrow street. We have a huge garage but it's not connected to the house and not easily reached. Our daughter is further away and her cats are very ill. We're too far away to be enough help. Our friends are mostly all in Philly, not here. And we still have to come to Philly every week to help Harry's mom. Nothing in life is perfect, and although this house will ultimately be more comfortable than the old one, it's got a long way to go.
congrats missus! i was wondering where you were. if the mov was the reason for your absence. i can sense your happiness with the new home between the lines that you have written. thats how i felt when we moved house last year.
your daughters cats are ill? so sad. we had to put one of our cats down, beluga boy, on sunday night his liver had failled. it has been a lonely couple of days without him.
Cara, I'm very sorry about your cat. I know how much I love mine. My daughter's cats are on the mend, if not out of the woods. The outside cats she feeds are sick now and they probably will die because they're feral and can't be given the care like her two inside babies. My daughter set up a little house for them and gives them food and water. Last year, she got help to catch them and paid for them to get their shots. They're little girls and you know they never survive long in the wild.
I do love the new house. I feel as though I'm in paradise, even with the boxes and not knowing where mostly everything is. I always lived in a big city and didn't know what I was missing. But I wouldn't have appreciated this till now. There's so much more to do and the unpacking is never-ending, but still, I'm glad.
congrats missus! i was wondering where you were. if the mov was the reason for your absence. i can sense your happiness with the new home between the lines that you have written. thats how i felt when we moved house last year.
your daughters cats are ill? so sad. we had to put one of our cats down, beluga boy, on sunday night his liver had failled. it has been a lonely couple of days without him.
Crafty Missus, at
6:32 PM
Cara, I'm very sorry about your cat. I know how much I love mine. My daughter's cats are on the mend, if not out of the woods. The outside cats she feeds are sick now and they probably will die because they're feral and can't be given the care like her two inside babies. My daughter set up a little house for them and gives them food and water. Last year, she got help to catch them and paid for them to get their shots. They're little girls and you know they never survive long in the wild.
I do love the new house. I feel as though I'm in paradise, even with the boxes and not knowing where mostly everything is. I always lived in a big city and didn't know what I was missing. But I wouldn't have appreciated this till now. There's so much more to do and the unpacking is never-ending, but still, I'm glad.
painterjayne, at
11:46 PM
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