A Day With Nancy

Today was special; I picked my friend Nancy up and drove into Center City. We bopped around; I found bargains at the Avenue and didn't find a SEPTA calendar for my LA brother. It felt so good to be in town, and not hard to do it. I had hoped for that, once I stopped working in town. In fact, being downtown today was way better than it used to be worrying that I was out shopping on work-time. Nancy and I were on Womentime. We would have tripped more lights fantastic if the stores hadn't shut down at 7PM. Here it is, almost Christmas; aren't people out there buying everything in sight? Guess not. Nancy and I love beer so we dined at a nice pub who brewed their own beer and after trying three, I found one I liked. Nancy tells me there's an English creamy ale I'd like. I, of course, immediately noted the name in my current book so I could request it. I'm a big fan of Guinness Stout and grateful I'm not an alcoholic, which I could have been, so I can continue to imbibe. I'm currently stocked with Pumpkin Beer in the fridge as well as white wine which I also like, in addition to a number of whiskeys. It wasn't the beer though that made today fun; the cold weather that was still reasonable with the sun shining down helped and being with Nancy is always the best. Nancy and I stopped at daughter Honey's before we started home; Nancy hadn't seen the changes Honey'd made to her house. Nancy wishes she had a daughter like Honey and I don't know how Harry and I raised such a wonderful daughter. We were very lucky and maybe we were a good combination. I just don't know but I'm very happy.
I'm exhausted but it's a good tiredness. Harry's downstairs watching DooOpp, and I'm listening; it's beautiful to me. The kittens are zooming around; Autumn kitten up and down my legs at forty miles per hour. It's almost time for a relaxing bath and a book, then bed. Tomorrow is snow and Cousin Jerry. I could forgo the snow, but not Jerry. Family and friends make life worth living.
That's not Nancy up there, but she'd approve.
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