The dishes are waiting for me. Lots of stuff is waiting and none of it is what I want to see. My feet are freezing. There is no draft; it's just indoor weather where you need long sleeves and big socks. It's a distance coming from being the row house queen to a lady of the single house.
Later....I borrowed cds from the Library today and I'm listening to the Kronos Quartet. It's beautiful, gorgeous, a combination of classical and African music. Some, like the one I'm listening to right now, is completely classical, almost Baroque. Harry listens to music from the 1920s with little interest in modern pieces. How music influences your mood doesn't change though. Eddie Cantor brings joy to Harry's day just like this music, new to me, makes my heart sing. My heart feels as though it's grown two feet out of my body and it's dancing.
Later...I'm watching The Daily Show. One of my closest girlfriend's dogs got out of her yard. One is a puppy and neither had tags on. No one will know these adorable little doggie babies are Joalice's loved furballs. I pray they'll be okay and she finds them. I wish I were still psychic and could sense where they were; but I never was that kind of psychic anyway. I do feel they will approach the wrong house to try to go home.
And my friend Sydney is in the hospital with a brain infection. He's only 31 with a wife and baby. Sydney is an artist too; he does epic heroic comic characters. I'm not sure he's comfortable with narratives. Right now, he can't draw, think very well, or walk. I hope nothing else bad happens. I worry deeply for both my friends
This afternoon I visited with my neighbor and when she asked if I were of partly German heritage, I admitted that I was but that I was Jewish. As it happens, German Jews were very German. I'm the third generation of my family born here--that side emigrated circa 1860-1870; somebody fought in the Civil War. But even that removed, my dad still followed all the rules. So because this community is so small, I have told everyone. My neighbor seemed shocked. She later alluded to her education under Hitler's rule and the fact that people were afraid to help the Jews. I understood way too much from our conversation and I'm sure it was that way for her too. So SuperJew is now a known representative of the race in Cherokee Woods. Do I need to erect a giant star of David in the front yard?
Later....I borrowed cds from the Library today and I'm listening to the Kronos Quartet. It's beautiful, gorgeous, a combination of classical and African music. Some, like the one I'm listening to right now, is completely classical, almost Baroque. Harry listens to music from the 1920s with little interest in modern pieces. How music influences your mood doesn't change though. Eddie Cantor brings joy to Harry's day just like this music, new to me, makes my heart sing. My heart feels as though it's grown two feet out of my body and it's dancing.
Later...I'm watching The Daily Show. One of my closest girlfriend's dogs got out of her yard. One is a puppy and neither had tags on. No one will know these adorable little doggie babies are Joalice's loved furballs. I pray they'll be okay and she finds them. I wish I were still psychic and could sense where they were; but I never was that kind of psychic anyway. I do feel they will approach the wrong house to try to go home.
And my friend Sydney is in the hospital with a brain infection. He's only 31 with a wife and baby. Sydney is an artist too; he does epic heroic comic characters. I'm not sure he's comfortable with narratives. Right now, he can't draw, think very well, or walk. I hope nothing else bad happens. I worry deeply for both my friends
This afternoon I visited with my neighbor and when she asked if I were of partly German heritage, I admitted that I was but that I was Jewish. As it happens, German Jews were very German. I'm the third generation of my family born here--that side emigrated circa 1860-1870; somebody fought in the Civil War. But even that removed, my dad still followed all the rules. So because this community is so small, I have told everyone. My neighbor seemed shocked. She later alluded to her education under Hitler's rule and the fact that people were afraid to help the Jews. I understood way too much from our conversation and I'm sure it was that way for her too. So SuperJew is now a known representative of the race in Cherokee Woods. Do I need to erect a giant star of David in the front yard?
you could put the star up for christmas! ;)
you could put the star up for christmas! ;)
Crafty Missus, at
12:45 PM
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