Sunday, April 15, 2007

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Maybe today will be for me, with no cleaning or entertaining. Usually, Harry invites company down on Sundays, and in fact, our neighbors will be visiting, probably for a short visit. I have to ask Brian's fiancé's parents for next Sunday. I guess I have calls to make today. Maybe I can do them faster. I really want to hang the turquoise fabric over my bedroom curtains and start making my window coverings. (I forget the right word. I'm truly exhausted.) I had to sleep downstairs on the sofa bed because my own bed is so uncomfortable. It needs to be turned over but because Jerry died, there's no one to help turn it. I'm sleeping on Harry's old place and it's tilted. My pillow keeps falling out and there is nowhere for my arm. My shoulder is still sore and sleeping there hurts.

Yesterday, I went to Jerry's house with my son, his fiancé, and her mother to work. That's most likely why I'm so tired. It still looks disheveled, but that's a huge improvement. I took a lot of books, but there are boxes still to be given away in addition to boxes I need to go through. Jerry read religious books from every major religion. I wish I could read them but I know I don't have the interest or discipline. I'm giving them away so someone else can benefit. I took the books on Judaism and the history of the Jews. That's all I can handle.

We'll have to figure out how to get the furniture I want down here. There is a table upstairs and one downstairs in addition to a couple lamps and Jerry's one good rug. There is one torch lamp I love--it's very old and adorable. Not too big but cute, like Victorian. Jerry may have taken it from his dad's basement when Uncle Moe died. If that is the case, it may have originated in Bubba Jenny's in about 1910. I think I should look it up on here.

At Jerry's, when I was finally getting that funny feeling in my throat from all the dust and everybody else was falling down tired, we left for the King of Prussia Mall. Brian and Christina love the Cheesecake Factory. I can understand why--the food is good and it has a y generation feeling. We waited approximately 2 1/2 hours, mostly walking around the gigantic mall. We finished about 10:30 and there were still young people camped out--lounging on the floor outside the restaurant--just the way they'd been since when we first walked in. I ordered a Bourbon because I was kind of riled up, then a Cuban sandwich, and for dessert, a piece of the best cheesecake I ever ate--Peanut Butter and hot fudge. Sort of. I ate half the sandwich and the cheesecake. I still gained weight, of course. I don't need nachos, fried calamari, or cheesecake. And not eating at night either. Next time, McDonald's. The bill for two people at the Cheesecake factory was $60 something dollars.

That's my rant for today. I forgot. Because it's raining hard, Harry won't go out. He usually shops Sunday morning and brings back a Delaware Sunday newspaper for me. Oh, well.

I don't know if I'll have the energy to go up to King Tut in Philly Wednesday. WE have tickets. I hate being tired. Shit!


Sunday, April 08, 2007

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Dancing With Keanii, the Burmese Mountain Puppy

I'm not writing about the gorgeous parrot but instead about the return of my second sight. A couple of years ago, I stopped being able to sense and "see" the spirits around other people. Recently, I joined an on-line discussion group talking with a number of psychic women. I was encouraged to have faith in my ability and it would return. I started meditating before I went to sleep every night. (It's the only time I remember to do it regularly.)
Yesterday, a woman stopped by to take a piece of furniture I was giving away. We sat and talked for a long time. At one point, I began to sense spirits around her. I was thrilled! I'm still thrilled! She wasn't tremendously interested except she wanted to know that her old boyfriend who'd died was there. I couldn't see a spirit of his description, but I did see a guy, an old woman, and another woman with a scarf on her head. It seemed the guy might have been her father, the older woman her grandmother, and she didn't know the woman in the scarf. I thought the second woman might have been her guardian angel or someone like that. She didn't look like a regular person.
This morning, I saw Harry's uncle and grandmother--smiling!--behind him. Then when my cousins visited later today, I saw my uncle and aunt behind my cousin. Absolutely his dad for sure. I didn't say anything though because I get upset when people are incredulous and I'm not a psychic. I can't see them well--at least not yet--and I can't get their names or too much information. At the same time, it's just a fun thing for me. I love seeing them.
Yesterday, in my dreams, I saw Sammy Dog. It was one of those vivid dreams. I'm thinking he crossed the "Rainbow Bridge", but I can't find out. I loved that dog and if Harry hadn't hated him and all the damage he did, I'd have him still. Or would have had. I'm doing the noon care for the dogs next door while my neighbors are on a week's vacation. I love playing with the giant puppy. I didn't like the dogs fighting over me, but it's hard not to favor him. He's about St. Bernard size at ten months.
