Thursday, June 26, 2008

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Artificial Bliss

Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:30 AM

My brother is in from California; he came in yesterday. He'll be here for three weeks and I'm glad. His friend came in with him for ten days. I miss him the rest of the time. I didn't get up this morning till about noon and everybody was upset. My daughter had driven down from Philly and she kept calling in to me to get up, but I was just too tired. I should have; I'm sorry I didn't. Last night, my gut had hurt badly and I took the only painkiller available right then--Hydrocodone. I don't think that was why I couldn't get up though. When I awaken frequently in the morning but I'm too tired to actually get out of bed, it gets progressively more difficult. Last night, I had finally gone to bed at 2:30 and that's late for me. I usually sleep nine hours; I'm a sleeper as opposed to those who cannot fall asleep or stay asleep. My brother sleeps like our mother and doesn't. My daughter inherited that pattern and my son got mine. He sleeps soundly and often. Anyway, we brought the food to my son's house and he barbecued for us. My brother's friend bought a lot of fruit and cut it up for everyone. It was like having dessert for an appetizer. Now, I'm sleepy and a little depressed. Even the good stuff is stressful.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

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Flunkin, Dunckin, and Munckin, Attorneys at law

On television is the Puppy News. According to the TV, nothing is wrong in the US. Maybe weather, but that has to do with nothing. War? What war? Killings and drugs show up occasionally, but I guess that's entertainment.
Another Sunday gone.Suddenly, I'm 60, and half-way done with that. I really don't mind, although I notice the years flying by. Life after the Shrub..It's more difficult. It's impossible to believe the Americans who voted for that idiot had any intelligence. People used to vote self-interest, but everyone knew he and the other republicans were serving rich people. Of course, the democrats do but to a much lesser amount. They owe average people and the republicans do not. Plus, it was obvious W was not intelligent and never succeeded at anything on his own. Of course, he stole the election--well, it was stolen for him, but some people actually voted for him. And they weren't all wealthy. Time for the artist to hit the hay, or at least the bathtub. Hi de hi.


Monday, June 09, 2008

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Confused by Facebook & Anything That Isn't Immediately Obvious. Instructions? Nah!

Confused by Facebook & Anything That Isn't Immediately Obvious.
I'm so sorry I haven't been sending notes, answering notes and barely understanding the little flowers, pokes, and butterflies. I guess I'm missing stuff because I usually zone out watching TV--if there's anything I like--at night. I check email and stuff during the commercials. I still haven't finished fixing the links in my website or getting the new photos together of my two newest paintings.
I try to paint during the day, but it's getting harder and harder. I'm doing my water exercise class at least twice a week hoping for three times, I'll be walking one morning, and still going to Philly once a week. Now, I had to start PT too. I promised to volunteer at the Art Center and I'd kinda like to do more. I tried volunteering reading to little children, but didn't like seeing the miserable parents picking up their kids. If I could have volunteered early in the day, it would have been fine, but I'm a late bird.
I still haven't gone to get new glasses either. I will. Oh, not the canes either. I really don't have to make excuses, I just want you to know you're important to me and I haven't figured out facebook or My Space because I'm doing other stuff. And I'm really slow. I waste time. When I feed the outside kittens, I'm out there an hour playing with them or whatever. Mostly playing. I stand and look at my plants when I'm watering them or in between waterings. I read the newspapers too. I've been reading the Newark newspaper too, and it's different. The emphasis is different.
Well, tomorrow is the first walk & I've got to get moving toward the bed.
Parrot. Illustration for book by Cyndi & William.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

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Soft-Shelled Crabs Nibbling At Our Toes

Soft-Shelled Crabs Nibbling at Our Toes
Current mood: argumentative
Category: I don’t play video games Dreams and the Supernatural

That's Picnic Dancing. I gave that to charity and they raised money with it. So this is supposed to be about "the other side". Hmm. Well, they haven't been in touch lately. I talk to them every night, begging for their help with my eating. While no spirit has landed on the dining room table, I have begun to do better with my eating. Don't get me wrong. I've actually seen at least one spirit, literally been touched by them, and had them talk directly into my ear. I have wonderful lucid dreams spending time with my family too. It's important because I especially miss my cousin, who was virtually my older brother. It's the only way I can spend time with him. Anyway, I didn't mean to really write about this.
I made dinner today, which is very unusual. I made soft-shelled crabs. I have an excellent recipe given to me by my alcoholic evil sister-in-law. She's a good cook, and when she gave it to me, I didn't know what she really was. I'm kind of dull when it comes to seeing inside phony people. I'm not throwing around the word "evil" either. This is a woman who stole food money from our eighty-something year old mother in law. She did it for years and I believed my mother in law was hiding the money like my sister in law said. The truth was our mother in law was borrowing money from her neighbors to eat. This sister-in-law also, one night when she was probably drunk, threw pages and pages of racist hatred at my son's girlfriend. The girl was only sixteen and the stuff that woman threw at her was horrible. Later, the woman denied she did it, but I'd seen it on screen. The kids had wakened me because they were so upset, and I came downstairs at one in the morning to look at the crap on the computer monitor. Ugh and Feh.
Oh, well. Life is far from perfect. Actually, for most people, it's horrible. Even in America, we're just serfs with refrigerators and washing machines. We entertain ourselves and don't notice our legistlators stealing and chipping away at whatever freedom we were previously allowed. It's all bullshit, but I pray the populace doesn't elect McCain. Our nation is really hitting the skids with these guys. Nobody has to embrace Obama's policies, his philosophy, or anything. Doesn't it matter to people that our kids are getting killed in Iraq for no reason? Who cares what color Obama is? Or what Reverend Wright said? Do white people really think black people don't have grievances? Oh, well. I hope people don't even think about it and just vote against another four or eight years of the shrub.
When I look at my neighbors though, I hope they're not the typical voters. We're in trouble if that's true. When I worked, I noticed people didn't read the newspapers. They read the Daily News mostly, which was like reading the third grade newspaper with mob pictures. They made up what they didn't know. And worshipped the congressmen who kept them in jobs. Not me. I was Civil Service, but lots of those "workers" were political hacks paid out of the school district budget. Yes. That's true. Don't wonder where the book money went.
I don't know why I'm smiling in the picture. Things aren't that good, except for right here, in my house, and maybe yours. Our president is a psycho and most of our law makers have no morals and don't care about America or you. I don't care who any of them are in bed with, unless it's children or coercion. I care about this country, my family, friends, and me. That means I have to care about you too. I don't want to, but I can't have my rights if you don't have yours. Probably. Well, I hope Obama gets elected. We desperately need a semblance of sanity and the constitution in the White House and Congress. Having people who at least look different from W and his ilk will help our image and maybe get us through the doors back to diplomacy. W didn't believe in that, sorry. But that's how our nation got by and in a world so shrunken, we need it again.


Saturday, June 07, 2008

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its a mystery 2 me

That was a commission. They exist. For real. They're usually portraits. Okay, that was the job part. I am, at this moment, breathing in Autumn's beautiful golden fur. She's waiting to get back on my lap and get my full attention and pets. This typing is very annoying to her. She's patiently waiting until I put my arms down to get back to where she likes to be. She's my neurotic kitten with runny eyes. (The vet says she's okay.) She's presently exhausted. Her eyes are closing, she can't help it. She's losing her mom's belly time to this pesky machine. She likes the television machine, which offers moving pictures and mom's belly. Two good things. This is Autumn Time, and she knows it. If I don't get to the business at hand--her little head and body waiting--she's going to investigate the interesting objects on my desk. Oh, she's given up. Poor baby. Time for reading in the bathtub anyway. She'll come sit on the edge.

