Just saying hello. Been painting some walls and lots and lots of woodwork in my house because dirty woodwork is what people notice instead of new bathrooms and windows etc.
Probably have to stop writing because Autumn wants my attention. She and Moon sit on my mouse table usually using the mouse as a pillow--at least she does--and want to be brushed. That came from Sammy Dog. Moon saw how Sammy loved being brushed and now Autumn saw how Moon loves it.
Tomorrow is July 4th. Another deep Summer. It's really hot here and our car air conditioning is broken again. One of our circuit breakers is out too which means a whole lot of electronics are on hiatus too. There are extensions across my walkways waiting to trip me. But I really enjoy my house and my life. I worry a little that I'm not pursuing Art, friends, or activity like I believe is appropriate. But I really enjoy my leisure. Of course, I'm not relaxing now; I'm painting walls every free moment. The floors and rugs are covered with newspaper to limit the amount of paint splatters. I make a mess with this kind of stuff. I'm nervous about what a new house will mean in terms of space, work, and money. I think we're getting in over our heads because of how often Harry likes to eat out and costs of medication and assorted single house costs. In four years, my work medical coverage will end and we'll be on Medicare and Part D if that still exists. I'm doing a "Gone With the Wind" and not thinking about it. I don't know what to do; what would be the best thing to do. I don't want to stay here and mostly it's about for once in my life having a nice house. Before I die. Also living in a different place. Living near Brian. But our doctors and everything besides our kids are up here. This is not sensible; it's psychological heartfelt need.