Month to Month

Just wasting time..for a bit. Time to go water the plants and paint. In a couple of hours, I have to cook dinner. I compromised on the time because I want my painting time. Pretty soon---next week--I'll be swimming Mon, Wed, and Friday. That's a little too much on a regular basis. I used to swim twice a week and that was okay because I liked it and I went later. Now, it will be in the middle of the afternoon. That's the only one we can do because Harry has a medicine that needs to wait five hours before he gets wet. So that's it.
Our son has his house and our daughter, hopefully, has met the man for her. I prayed for a good guy to come onto her scene and it seems my prayers were heard. It seems he is a slight slob and has to be told to do stuff. Sounds like he's a dreamer. He plays the guitar and is a big thinker. I like that and I like him.
I wrote that 6/13 and now it's 7/1. I'm not writing enough. Just watered the front and back yards again. Other than weeds overtaking the flowers, everything looks good. I just glory in the flowers.
I have just a little time now and none later. My shoulder hurts; it aches. It doesn't usually do that because I take Ibeprofen and Neurontin which knocks out that and my back pain. I had more to do today than I had time. I painted for a couple of hours when I "should" have been doing the other stuff. I'll do what I absolutely have to and screw the rest. I have to water the inside plants. I put a lot outside and could put more. It's easier to water them outside. I don't have to take their temperature.
My painting is lovely. I've got two going and I worked on the outside one while the weather was good. I'm painting the garden and having fun doing it. I'm not wearing my glasses so I can't see details well. That's what I want; a kind of soft quality with beautiful color. I was intending to do a "turquoise" painting for over my bed to take up the color of the room; but the painting isn't turqoise. I don't know what color will turn out to be prominent if any. But it won't be turquoise, I'm sure of that. Maybe I can do a fish painting for above the bed. My friend Joalice said it's good for Feng Shui. I'll have to ask her again to make sure. I'm not sure I want fish over my head. I don't really like fish all that much, unless I'm eating them with sauce. When I was a child, I had goldfish and I didn't even like them then. (I like dogs and cats.)
I have to go take Ibeprofen; I'm in too much pain.
Labels: Not Writing Enough