Painterjayne Cane? Art Garage?

This is probably my last post before my shoulder surgery Tuesday. Tomorrow, we go to Philly from the early morning and won't get back till late at night. The surgery is Tuesday and I have to be there at seven in the morning. I'm tired now. Jerry's--bless his immortal soul, kiss kiss--friend is here today to pick up concert shirts and tickets Jerry left him. For years, they went together to all the heavy metal concerts in the Delaware Valley. Russell, the friend, helped me with the garage. I was able to throw away a trash can full. Brian picked up the treadmill yesterday and soon he'll get all the stuff we stored for him while he was in an apartment. Then I'll see more boxes and get rid of what is in them. With Russell, and yesterday, with our daughter's boyfriend, I figured out the way to use the garage. I am so pleased and excited. Most of my life, since I'm almost sixty, I have wanted my own gallery. Maybe I'll call it Garaje or Cochera Painterjayne. Those are garage in Spanish. Or Cochera de Painterjayne. Nah. Garaje Painterjayne sounds better. Or Garaje Atelier. Garage Studio. There are a lot of Hispanic people here though, and I'm not. I don't want to give the impression I am. People will come in looking for paintings of bullfighters on black velvet. Tableaux--whew and wow! I do like, no, I love the sound of French. I have to mention it's a garage. I like Art Garage too. That would allow me to show other people's work too. That would be fun.
I put my cane up on here as the picture today. I'm planning to paint and sell them. A lot of people like them and most of us are fat with knees that are buckling under avoirdupois. (Isn't that a marvelous word for fat hanging down!?) I know it's embarassing, but I'm fat so I feel entitled to tactlessness. Honestly, most people who consider themselves fat don't look bad to me. If I spent big bucks for clothes, I could look good too. Anyway, it is true that being overweight is hard on our joints. So is Lupus, balance problems, Arthritis, etc. So I'm hoping I can provide a cane that's an abstract painting for about $75. I have to see how much everything costs.