Just Talkin

Just a word or two. Doing little psychic readings that seem to be accurate. Makes me pleased. Trying to write a note more frequently in here. Picked up on the My Face thing that a woman I know started for me. Have three pages to put up on my website. Working a little on fixing the links. They got messed up when my page was summarily shut down at tripod. This is such a narrow-minded nation. What would it have been like to have grown up in a liberal country? I would have been more free and probably less rebellious. Maybe.
I'm burning up with anger now. No real reason. Should be painting. I'm happy when I paint. Tomorrow. Cleaned today. Company tomorrow and Sunday. Family room especially gets sloppy. Got the garden cleared of all the crap that falls from trees. Now, the gate will open to the little run behind us. To have trees... A gift. So grateful.
Hope scene of tanks possibly on American soil does not come true. Jerry showed me but he could be meaning something other than what I thought he meant. Finally, I'm so happy with my life and my surroundings. My children are both grown and good people. This is my time to enjoy, if I can, above the arthritis and exercise. I sure as hell don't want to see this country attacked again. That shrub can't get out of the White House fast enough. I gotta think Americans are generally ignorant. How could any middle, working class, or poor person dream that shrub could or would do anything that would help him or her. I could see wanting him as a fun neighbor, but the guy hasn't shown an ounce of brains before or after he stole the first election. Now we have a totally polarized nation and legislature. Great. If we're mostly a middle class nation, why do we have Republicans running things? They give the money and perks to the rich. Oh yeah, they hate African-Americans and people who hail from south of the border. I forgot. They throw black people in jail and send people of color if possible, to their previous country if possible. And white people think this is normal. Not all white people, no. I figure it will take at least a few hundred more years for real color blindness. But there will still be craziness. And poor people.
I think of the murdering--slaughtering--in Kenya, Congo, and Darfur and realize we can't get it together in even one city. How can we help them when we don't know how to help ourselves?
I pray to be free of hate and anger. I know it's not that easy. So I ask to learn, to see why, and how I am. If I'm still a mess after all that counseling, God knows how other people are. I can see, most people are flying through life, not looking at themselves or what they're doing. It's all a rush, I know. We're too busy. I just didn't have that luxury.
Oh, I've been warned not to pour my heart out on here. I've made enemies in my life. And my sacred message to them is, "Fuck you and the fucking horse you came in on." I'm very cooled out.
Labels: Ramble