My Day

Just saying "Hi". My tooth has a big crack in it and I keep sticking my tongue inside. Isn't that what we do? The tooth is in the back, so it's not obvious to anybody but me. And what else is going on? The children just left; they took Nancy with them. I picked her up Thursday and she stayed. Harry made lovely dinners. He's making presentations. I got to paint this afternoon while he was cooking. I'm working on my landscape of the backyard. I guess I should have used the backyard photo.
I think there is a lot going on; I just can't remember. Gotta go take medicine for my jaw pain.
Oh, the big news is Tigger is getting used to my touching him. He's tolerating it for as long as he can. Then he moves away. He lets me kind of grab his tail when he rubs against me when I'm getting their food ready. I think he's Keke's brother, either from the same litter with a different father, or a previous litter. More likely the same. Tigger is always rubbing against Keke. Sometimes, Keke will lick him. They're very affectionate to each other. Keke is the original lovebug anyway.
I go out to the garage to feed and be with them at least twice a day no matter what the weather is and right now, it's freezing. They have that big dog house and the cabinet I set up for them. I think Keke uses the cabinet. I can tell because the baby shoes that were in there were thrown out. I'm expecting eventually they'll come inside the house. I can't imagine them living in the garage for their whole lives. They go outside in general and I can see they have a good time. Usually, Tigger follows Keke. I think they hang around Helga's backyard and hunt the birds in there. I'm glad they're not bringing any wildlife home. They're not hungry, so maybe they're just pretending. They love their combination Meow Mix and Friskies.
And I'm happy painting.
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