Living Life
Christmas. Gifts are bought and all but two are wrapped. The decorations I bought in Port Orford last January are up on my Magnolia out front. I decorated my biggest tree in the house too. I'm trying to make December and January less forbidding. They're so gray and depressing. The decorations on the Magnolia especially, buoy my spirits. I probably need some kind of roasting decorations for the summer magnolia.
It's going on 4 now, but it feels like 11 AM. I slept in fits and starts, finally arising at 11 AM. I read the electronic copy of the Washington Post or the NY Times usually to wake myself and start the day. There was never a time when I awoke looking forward to the day. The newspapers remind me I'm part of the world and my mitchagas is not stopping me. I'm grateful for the newspapers and the phone in general. I read the Philadelphia Inquirer at breakfast. Luckily, I like to read.
I have Diverticulitis, which for me means I often spend hours in the bathroom, reading.. Diverticulitis is very common in older folks. It limits where and when I go places. Still, I have my phone, with FB and books on it, in addition to the newspapers and Solitaire. Generally, the disease isn't a big deal until and unless it is. Then it can kill. My Lupus is in remission, my diabetes is still okay, treated by diet, and I'm 75. I wish everyone had such an easy life.
I meditate in the shower. I found I actually do it in there. Most places in the house, a cat jumps on my lap. If that cat is Ellie, I am inundated with her explosion of fur at every pet. I get distracted. I'm about to go down, clean out my shower, and get to use it since my husband has been downstairs in residence. I haven't kicked him out, but I miss my own shower.
#Diverticulitis #CopingWithDiverticulitis #LupusInRemission #Waking #ChristmasDecorations #DecoratingForHolidays #NewspapersOnline #PhiladelphiaInquirer #LivingInTheBathroom #TheGoodLife