From Lupus to Sciatica to Overeating
I'm tired. I need a break today. I'm sick of looking for emails lost within junk mail I saved by accident. I'm about as organized as my three year old granddaughter. She might do better. This whole business with the goddamn mirror that the truck knocked off on 4th Street in Philly and the rotten adjuster from Liberty --is there more? Oh, yeah, getting the business to clean out the attic from the raccoon....and something I gave up on. I forget now. I can call any spirit and tell what that condescending jerk is feeling and hoping, least, he wasn't lying. (I never forgive people who lie to my face. The neighbor who makes up ridiculous lies is funny, although he doesn't mean to be. People like trmp, who can't stop's an illness.) I want to give everything to the lawyer and never hear about it again until I get the money they owe me. I don't care about people paying me for psychic stuff. I do it for free all the time because I love to do it and I don't need the money, but when an insurance company is supposed to pay me back for something covered in the policy, I want it. My psychic teacher, Susan Lynn, says there has to be an exchange of energy with psychic info. I love giving it, I guess if people love getting it, that's an exchange. I do charge, but I let it go, easily.
I was supposed to spend time with my twin--from two lives ago--today, but I'm overwhelmed by the bullshit. Normally, I'd go. I have always gone, but now, I just want to go back to bed. I'm up and ready to leave for my MRI that's somewhere down here in suburbland. Delaware. I love it. I love my house, but it needs constant help. I built this beautiful four-season garden that I kept up. That's how I ruined my back, from using my favorite shovel. I'll include a photo of the painting. I never considered how it would be done if I didn't have the energy to do it. Now I know. I need someone to get the pathways cleaned up. Who's going to pull out the weeds? The ivy has to be pulled off the trees and the garage has to be free of weeds and ivy too. Oh dear. I can barely walk now. Acupuncture yesterday. And it will be for weeks. I'm grateful I can do it. Why are all the Lupies people who don't rest unless they absolutely must?
Tomorrow, unless I have a problem, I'll see my oldest granddaughter. She's all of ten, going on sixteen. I took her out to her favorite restaurant within walking distance. (Once you park in Philly, you don't move, because you will lose your spot.) She currently has a broken foot and is on crutches. I'm just on a cane. (The acupuncture worked because I couldn't have walked one and a half blocks before.) She brought a lot of her food home, but I ate mine and was sorry later. Fried onions were always such a treat, but not this time.
And now, this is the Art I'm doing.
These little advertisements were taken from old pieces. I sold the bottom one. I don't know about the other one. I actually did a large mixed media piece. I just have to take a photo.. If you haven't taken a look at my YouTube channel, please do, and push the buttons. I'm having a wonderful time using these new skills and being myself.
#BadArtistphotosm, #Paintings,
#psychicreading, #psychicmedium , #psychicreader, #psychicdevelopment,
#psychicpodcast, #podcastJaynee, #podcastempath., #empathPodcast ,#empathFB,
#TalkingtoSpirits, #psychicreadings, #EmpathBlogger,
#psychicBlogger, #psychicPainter, #PainterPsychic, #PhiladelphiaArtist, LupusPsychic