Friday, March 22, 2024

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Looking Inside at SCOTUS, the Royals, Trump, etc. & Video

   This is all conjecture, what I think, my opinion.  For entertainment purposes only.  

  Just writing to see what I can do..........Mood of SCOTUS:  Males with support from Amy C.B. pushing install what they believe should be the law of the land.  They absolutely don't care what the population thinks.  The men there believe women should take a second-class status.  They feel threatened and hate the liberal agenda.  They would really love to see women be dismissed from their jobs as in Afghanistan  They're sick of all this LGBT etc.  and want it stopped.

  Trump:  Eventually, trump will lose Maralogo and it will be bulldozed.  Trumpers will make it a shrine..Ivana said there were papers and more in her casket, that Donald is a hoarder.  He can't help it.

  Princess Catherine isn't dying.  She's got a serious abdominal problem that has turned out to be cancer.   She's terrified and sure she's going to die, but she isn't.  My guide seems to be saying she will not die from this.  She's good at hiding pain. Right now, she's absolutely bonkers, but she's going to calm down.  She's blaming Megan and the aggravation Harry and Megan caused for the cancer, but she's going to realize that's nuts.

  Princess Megan  is okay.  She's learned to ignore the crap coming out of the English tabloids. She says she's really having a good time. She says she loves her husband and her children, the people around her are great, and she's doing charitable work.  I'm personally glad.

  Prince Harry  is fine.  He knows how William is and feels sad because he knows the pressure on William is immense.  William resents Harry's freedom and Harry loves it.  He does feel bad about what's going on in the royal household, but there's little Harry can do.  Harry suffers from depression.  (After losing his mom at such a young age and being brought up to act Royal, who wouldn't?)  He's loving living in California, in the USA.  Yes, he still loves the UK and would do a lot if the Royals allowed him.  It is never going to be comfortable though.  Archie and Bet will be able to return if they choose.  They won't.

  Soon to be King, Prince William covers his depression and feelings of being trapped by drinking and pretending.  He's known to be an angry drunk and to have a serious girlfriend, younger than his wife.  Also, Will's girlfriend doesn't have to care about what anyone thinks.  

  Will is an angry guy.  He loves his children.  The love he felt from his mother, Princess Diana, was the only demonstrative close relationship he ever had.  He did love Catherine, his wife, but has slowly moved away from her as she developed physical problems, had to follow the Royal rules.  He feels obligated to "love" her, as he is obligated to live his entire public life a particular way.

  Oh!  Just got input from my guide.  Jared is afraid of trump, afraid to be with him, talk to him, go with him.  Ivanka understands, although she would like to be away from Jared too.  I don't feel him being with her.  Jared will not help trump with money.  He really has no money to spare (from his viewpoint).  He feels like dying, terrified of going to jail, would swear he did the best he could and helped people, and is a good person.  He doesn't count the broken machinery going to Democrats during Covid.  He thinks that was a joke.  Ivanka doesn't care either way.  Money and children.  The goal is to make money--as much as possible and more, and have children.  They matter to her.  Nothing else matters to her.  Family matters to Jared.  Ivanka matters to him, as does his own father. 

  #TheRoyals  #Trump #Ivanka #Jared  #Maralogo #FutureofMralago #PrinceWilliam  #PrinceHarry   #PrincessCatherine  #PrincessMegan  #PrincessDiana  #SCOTUSmood #jayneepsychicmedium #messagesfromheavenbyjaynee #spiritsbyjaynee  #psychicthoughts

Sunday, March 10, 2024

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I Can Do Remote Viewing! Yay!

 I'm very excited.  Today, I realized I can remotely channel living people.  That means I can channel politicians and also the USA or other countries, as beings.  I channel spirits now, and hear the answers they send.  I don't know if this ability will mean more people will watch my podcasts, but this particular skill was very similar to the analysis I used to do at the psych hospital as a Therapeutic Recreation Director.  I enjoyed figuring out what patients were achieving and all that.  It was somewhat like going into their heads.  That is what my "new" skill is.  

  I won't be going into awful folk's feelings or thoughts.  I can't just stand there and do that.  I would think the inside of their heads should be private.  

  I worried that I couldn't compete, even though I'm not trying to earn a living or be an expert.  I'm 76.  I want to help grieving people, using the love and compassion I feel.  It makes me feel useful and proud.  I can see my wisdom and it feels great to be of service.

  Last night, I called Moses because I was getting ribbed, being a Jew, and having Jesus as a friend.  So, Moses came.  He told me, yes, he really was raised by Egyptians.  He was a powerful person.  I could feel it.  Moses recommended Aaron, instead of him.  My Sephardic family are Levites, and Aaron was the priest, (or whatever).  Founder?  Moses said Aaron is a people person and my relative.  Aaron came and at first, didn't understand what I wanted.  It's a 3000 years separation, but he pretty quickly decided it was fined.  He was/is, my grandfather too.  My dad's father is a little scared of me.  He doesn't feel smart enough, and my mother's father, while extremely smart, is more academic.  Aaron fits, I think.  He's warm and caring.  We'll see.  I might be 76 going on 4.  (God forbid!)

  I am awed.  So thankful.  I hadn't thought of this, or asked for it.  On the other hand, it still hurts badly to walk.  Usually, my left leg screams with every step.  It's my back, pain shooting down the nerve.  I also have IBS (or whatever it really is that came on eleven years ago).  Who leaves the house when they diarrhea threatens.  That, I'm overwhelmed by.  Planning on going somewhere, all dressed, and I can't leave.  Can I chance it?  That's how I broke my shoulder in Chicago.  I may not be able to travel unless it's an emergency.  It will be iffy.  I'm so thankful I traveled with my brother through a good bit of Europe and have spend a lot of time in the West and Northwest.  

  We're all coming to an end.  It's the last part of our lives.  The little bit of family left, from the Levy's, Price's, and Warshaw's are all heading toward the exit.  So few children, but they're gems.  Children are always gems.  We want ours to be brilliant and talented.  Money is not the goal.  It's brains.

  We are an unwelcome tribe, a Middle-Eastern anomaly, always hounded, with hate and pitchforks.  And we fight barbaric religious terrorists who would see children starve rather than compromise.  Peace is hard to come by with religious zealots of any breed.  Okay.  We change religions, ethnicities, bodies, and more with every life.  Once Vietnamese, next time, English Gentry.  Life.  And there is so much more to see and learn.  I may not be able to travel, but I can talk with spirits and think.  This ability feels glorious.

  I do love what has happened to me.  I've gone through a metamorphosis and come out a psychic medium.  From an atheist to a sort of believer with a friend in Jeshua.

#myFriendJeshua  #Jesus  #ReadingMinds  #RemoteViewing  #PsychicMedium  #psychicreading  #MessageFromHeavenbyJaynee@YouTube #VisitingSpirits  #TalkingWiththeDead  #LearningWhileOld  #AaronoftheLevites  #BeingAMedium  #LearningAboutSpirits  #ClassicalArtistMedium  #Jews  #Zealots  #Terrorists  #Reincarnation  #Moses  #HowIFeel  #Jaynee  #Readings

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Messages From Heaven by Jaynee on YouTube  I don't know how to get it here if it doesn't come as it's supposed to do.

  I have about 1000 subscribers to my "show" on YouTube.  I usually make the videos in the evening and I don't tell folks when I'll be on.  It's too much pressure.  I'm not doing this for fame or fortune.  It feels good because I'm lonely and a bit cloistered.  My guides have softly maneuvered me to this place with the intention of helping people live lives that feel better.  Explaining how to deal with nasty neighbors and coworkers is important.  Nobody told me.  I hope I can tell someone.  It doesn't matter how many people see my videos or if they watch the whole thing.  If they get anything, it's a win.  I am supposed to talk about psychic phenomena, but less than I imagined.  It's making life easier, more manageable, that's the deal.  

  I don't need to monetize the channel.  I'm retired. So far, I have enough.  I use my own money on anything needed for the channel and I keep it low.  This is all a big deal to me, but in reality, there are at least one million channels with people baring their hearts or giving good information.  Whatever.  My little piece is very small, but to me, satisfying.  It's a big deal.